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Extra Info

Here are some extra information you may find helpful.
Hats and Headwear
  • Avoid wearing hats or headwear that touch your scalp or new hair.

  • Tight caps may damage hair follicles.

  • If you need to wear a hat, go for a loose-fitting one that doesn’t touch your scalp directly

  • This will help protect the grafts during the critical healing phase.​


  • You can begin light exercise about one week after the hair transplant.

  • Sweating is OK, but try to slowly increase the intensity of your exercise over the weeks.

  • Avoid heavy exercise, long-distance running, triathlons, or heavy lifting for the first few weeks.

  • This is to allow your scalp to fully heal without unnecessary pressure.

  • Avoid swimming for 6 to 8 weeks after hair transplant.

  • Pools contain chemicals and bacteria which can irritate your scalp.

  • Sea water has high level of bacteria and salt that can cause infections.

  • Allow the scalp to heal completely before exposing it to potentially harmful environments.

Food Choices
  • No strict dietary restrictions, but try to avoid common allergy foods like shellfish and eggs for 1-2 weeks.

  • This helps avoid reactions that may affect healing.​​

  • Drink plenty of water to help your body heal faster.

  • This will help reduce swelling and clears out toxins from your body.

  • Avoid alcohol for a few days as it can dehydrate you, and potentially thin the blood, slowing the healing process.

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